ECI Language Program



During the course of one session (4 weeks) the students are administered two quizzes, one midterm, and one final test. Quizzes constitute 10% each of the overall grade, the midterm is 30%, and the final exam is 40%. Students will also create an individual project constituting the remaining 10% of their overall grade. For ECI, authentic assessment is very important, thus students are assessed using oral presentation or participating in group presentations, debates, writing essays and reading academic texts.

The final grade will be calculated based on the following components:

Final Test40%
Mid-Term Test30%
Quizzes (2 quizzes)20%



Students who achieve 70% and above in the final grade will progress to the next level.

In some cases when a student achieves between 65% – 69% it can be decided that the student will conditionally progress with a provision that he/she must achieve a minimum of 70% in the following session in order to be considered as progressing to the next level.

Grading Scale
Letter Grade Percentage
F59 and bellow

Students can view the grades by logging into their THINKWAVE account (ECI uses an online grading system called Thinkwave). The system shows all the assessments throughout the session.

Grade Scale Interpretation:

  • A grade of A in a class or any assessed aspect of a class/test means either that the student has achieved a numeric grade of 90% to 100% or has demonstrated excellence in this area.
  • A grade of B in a class or any assessed aspect of a class/test means either that the student has achieved a numeric grade of 80% to 89% or has demonstrated high proficiency in this area.
  • A grade of C in a class or any assessed aspect of a class/test means either that the student has achieved a numeric grade of 70% to 79% or has demonstrated acceptable proficiency in this area.
  • A grade of D in a class or any assessed aspect of a class/test means either that the student has achieved a numeric grade of 60% to 69% or has demonstrated low proficiency in this area.
  • A grade of F in a class or any assessed aspect of a class/test means either that the student has achieved a numeric grade of 59% or has demonstrated unacceptably low proficiency in this area.